The AK Council for the Social Studies exists to:

Facilitate educational collaboration by connecting Alaskan social studies teachers with each other, and with people and organizations that share their passion for understanding and describing human nature.
Serve as a statewide clearinghouse of valuable social studies information and projects for a growing body of Alaskan K-20 educators.
Sponsor engaging social studies professional development events and opportunities for teachers, both face to face and online.
Help advocate for excellent social studies standards and educational support throughout the state of Alaska, in order to raise the value of our disciplines in statewide educational policy considerations.
Serve as a statewide clearinghouse of valuable social studies information and projects for a growing body of Alaskan K-20 educators.
Sponsor engaging social studies professional development events and opportunities for teachers, both face to face and online.
Help advocate for excellent social studies standards and educational support throughout the state of Alaska, in order to raise the value of our disciplines in statewide educational policy considerations.